Fun Tips to Use a Bubbler for the Best Hits


Do you love smoking out of a glass bubbler? If so, you’re in luck! Bubbler pipes are a great way to smoke your herb. They provide smooth, cool hits that will leave you feeling relaxed and stress-free. If you’re looking for the best experience possible, this blog post is for you. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced smoker, these tips will help you get the most out of your bubbler. So let’s get started!

Add Water and Check the Water Level

The first thing you’ll want to do is add water to your bubbler. You should fill it up until the water reaches just below the carb hole. It will help lower the temperature and moisten your smoke, making for a smoother hit. Once the water is in place, take a look at the level. If it’s too low, you may not be getting the most out of your bubbler. Add more water until it reaches the desired level. If your bubbler has a percolator, you’ll want to make sure that the water doesn’t get into it. The percolator is the small hole in the center of the pipe and should be kept clear of the water at all times.

Make Sure the Bowl Is Clean

Before you load your bubbler, make sure the bowl is clean. A dirty bowl can affect the taste of your smoke and may even cause health problems. Use a pipe cleaner or alcohol to clean the bowl thoroughly. Once the bowl is clean, pack it with ground herb. Be sure not to fill it too tight – you’ll want the air to flow through it quickly.

Spark Up Nicely

bubblerIf you’re having trouble getting your bubbler to spark, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure the bowl is packed tightly with the herb. If there’s not enough herb in the bowl, it will be challenging to get a good spark. You may also need to adjust the angle of the pipe. Try tilting it slightly, so the flame hits the herb directly. Try using a lighter with a broader spark if that doesn’t work. Once you’ve got the spark, hold the hit in for as long as you can. Then exhale and enjoy! Bubblers provide some of the smoothest hits around, so take your time and enjoy it.

Clear the Smoke and Repeat

When you’re finished smoking, be sure to clear the smoke from the bubbler. It will help keep it clean and functioning correctly. To do this, hold the bubbler upside down and blow into the carb hole. You may also want to use a pipe cleaner to clear any remaining smoke. Once the smoke is cleared, put the bubbler back in its place and enjoy another hit!

All in all, bubblers are a great way to smoke your herb. They provide smooth, cool hits that will leave you feeling relaxed and stress-free. If you’re looking for the best experience possible, be sure to follow these tips. Happy smoking!…