Tricks to Level Up Your Netflix and Chill Routine With Your Partner


Netflix and Chill has become a mainstay in many people’s lives, and for a good reason. It’s a great way to relax and spend time with your partner. However, sometimes it can be not easy to get the most out of your Netflix and Chill experience. For example, your partner may end up playing COC and dealing with his level 14 cwl layout or even sleep all the moment. Whether you and your partner are just fighting over what to watch or even ending up with a lame and boring movie, try out this post to lift the mood. This blog post will discuss some simple tricks that will help you level up your Netflix and Chill routine.

Set Up the Space

manWhether using your living room or bedroom, make sure the space is comfortable and inviting. It means getting rid of any distractions that may take away from experience. For example, clear it off if you have a cluttered coffee table. You want your partner to be able to focus on you, not on the piles of bills and junk mail. Likewise, if you have a TV in your bedroom, make sure it’s comfortable viewing level.

You don’t want to be struggling to see the screen or be constantly adjusting your pillows.

Get Some Snacks and Drinks Ready

popcornAfter creating the perfect viewing environment, it’s time to focus on the food and drinks. One of the best things about Netflix and Chill is enjoying your favorite snacks and beverages while you watch. If you’re not sure what to get, try something familiar like popcorn or candy. Alternatively, you could also try something new that you’ve wanted to try. Just make sure you have enough for both of you to enjoy. As for drinks, it’s always a good idea to have something on hand.

Whether you prefer soda, water, or alcohol, make sure you have enough for yourself. If you’re planning on drinking alcohol, be sure to drink responsibly.

Pick a Series or Movie That Both of You Want

Now, we come into the main event: choosing what to watch. It can be a difficult task, especially if you and your partner have different tastes in movies. However, it’s essential to find something that you will enjoy. One way to do this is by brainstorming a list of shows or movies you’re both interested in watching. Alternatively, you could also use a Netflix movie roulette to help you decide. Once you’ve decided on something, it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Snuggle Up With Your Partner

spidermanLast but not least, Netflix and Chill is about spending time with your partner. So, make sure you take the time to snuggle up with them. It could mean sitting close to them on the couch or even cuddling under the covers. No matter what you do, just make sure you enjoy each other’s company. Hopefully, these tips will help you level up your Netflix and Chill experience. Just remember to relax, have fun, and enjoy the time with your partner.

And if your partner happens to fall asleep, don’t forget to pause the movie. Until next time, happy watching.
